
Agnes Kneitz

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Kneitz Agnes 

Agnes Kneitz joined the department of world history at Renmin University of China to bother BA and MA students with an 
omnipresent environmental history in autumn 2013. The same summer, Dr. Kneitz had finished a PhD dissertation on ideas 
of environmental justice represented in 19th century social novels as a member of the RCC doctoral program Environment 
and Society at LMU Munich. In Beijing, she began to publish on the topic in journals and edited volumes with a soft spot
 for interdisciplinary work, such as ISLE, Environmental Humanities, and Ecozon@. In a bridging position between Germany 
and China, she has edited an RCC special issue for Global Environments, and assists in facilitating joint events between 
her alma mater and the Center for Ecological History at RUC, for example. In her new research project she revisits the 
colonial history of Qingdao and its beautiful landscape from an environmental historian’s perspective. Eventually, this
 is supposed to serve as a strategic location to embark on a journey  towards global ecological topics.
《Urbanization and Social Change》、《Food and Empire》、《Western Civilization Documents》、《Big History》。
environmental history、social history、cultural history、history of science and technology, eco-criticism。
“Quantifying Ocean Currents as Story Models. Reflections on Global History including China.” In Global History and New Polycentric Approaches. Europe, Asia and the Americas in a World network System (XVIth-XIXth Centuries), edited by Manuel Perez Garcia and Louis de Sousa. Palgrave-Macmillan (forthcoming 2017).
“German Water Infrastructure in China: Colonial Tsingtao 1898-1914.” NTM Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (2016) (forthcoming). 
“Polluted Thames – Declining City: London as an Ecosystem in Charles Dickens’ Our Mutual Friend.” In Rivers Lost, Rivers Regained, edited by Martin Knoll, Uwe Lübken, and Dieter Schott. Pittsburgh UP (forthcoming 2016).
“被污染的泰晤士——堕落的城市:查尔斯•狄更斯《我们共同的朋友》一书中关于伦敦城作为一个生态系统的讨论.” In 社会科学战线   (2016) (forthcoming).
“Pfister’s Spill? Narratives of Failure in and around Wilhelm Raabe’s 1883 Eco-Novel.” Ecozon@ 7.1 (2016): 178-198.
“‘As if the river was not meat and drink to you!’ Social Novels as a Means of Framing 19th Century European Environmental Justice.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 22 (2015): 47-62.
and et al. “From Ecocriticism and Environmental History to the Environmental (Post-)Humanities: Mapping Common Ground.” In Environmental Humanities 5 (2014): 261-276.
“Green dreams. Integrating agriculture in China’s metropolises.” Global Environment. The Country and the City 9.1 (2016): 254-269.
“Polluted Waters.” In On Water: Perceptions, Politics, Perils. RCC Perspectives 2012, no. 2: 71-76. 
“How Well Does Risk Society Speak Beyond Global North.” In “Revisiting Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society.” RCC Perspectives 2011, no. 6: 23-26.

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